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Ladies and gents do I have some really fantastic recipes for 2016!

So we’ve all heard the New Year, new me whether your serious, or its 100% BS, who cares?


If you have enough motivation to eat clean and be healthy then good for you!


Even if you just think, or attempt it, again here’s a pat on the back baby!


First of all I’m going to start with a few appetizers and snacks.


Caesar Salad

My personal favourite (mostly because it’s my take on Caesar salad) with a tangy twist and without the guilt of all the calories!


The dressing I had modified a previous recipe from the book Make it lighter by Angela Nilsen.

Because seriously who doesn’t love smothering everything in dressing?


This is a method of making a guilt free Caesar salad without worrying about how many hefty helpings of dressing you pile on your plate!


This recipe for the dressing literally only contains 120 calories!( per typical serving size)

For the dressing, what do you need?


  • Worcheshire sauce

  • Typical wholegrain mustard

  • Unflavoured natural yoghurt

  • Salt and pepper

  • Garlic

  • Olive oil



Method and Ingredients for the Chicken


Buy already diced chicken for Supervalue, Tesco or wherever you shop!


I only ever cook with the spray-on fry light or olive oil, with a tiny bit of this on a frying pan squeeze two full lemons (I know, but trust me!) include as much of the zest as you can while also adding half a teaspoon of garlic powder (or you can also add two chopped garlic cloves) then add a heaped tablespoon of dried thyme into the frying pan and leave the olive oil to simmer n that to absorb the lemon and the tang of the thyme, throw on the chicken while simultaneously scoping up the olive oil/ lemon and thyme mixture over the chicken to allow it to be absorbed into the chicken before the heat seals the meat.


Add a few shakes of salt and pepper for seasoning as you go.


** I like to add a teaspoon of parsley and paprika to the mix, totally depends on your own personal preference**


Wait until the chicken is cooked through (a.k.a there is no pink in the chicken) make sure to cut through the thicker pieces to confirm it’s cooked through as when your frying chicken the outside may seem fully cooked but there could still be a pink shade inside.


While your chicken is cooking get some fresh iceberg lettuce rinse it and mix it with some rocket, or any greens of your choice! I mix my iceberg with romaine lettuce and throw some parmesan cheese on it, make sure your grate fresh parma because the processed one literally is no comparison!


With that, take the dressing you made earlier, now this is the trick **mix the parmesan in with the dressing while tossing the salad, don’t grate the cheese over the finished product** 


Now toss in the chicken with the salad, and continue to mix them altogether in a large bowl.


Now ladies and gentlemen your dish is ready to be served!


**Another tip: Add some chickpeas to give it an extra YUM star**






 My Spicy Potato Cubes!


This suits any dish especially chicken dishes and really gives a good kick to the all too typical spud.


So first!


We want to dice a few potatoes, as much as you like depending on who you’re serving!


Leave the skin on to make it extra yummy!


Place the cubes on a baking tray because you’re going to bake them to avoid unnecessary calories by deep-fat-frying.


Sprinkle them with some salt and pepper to season, then add dried chilli flakes, enough to cover each potato cube, the more the spicier!


Then add some sprinkles of parsley to cover them in and half a teaspoon of garlic powder.



You are done!


Bake for about 20 minutes until golden brown, and serve.



SPICEY: ***/5



Super Yummy snack-box without the GUILT

I know you read that heading and your thinking am, whatever….


But seriously, it can be done!


Now what you need to do is grab some drumsticks and some bone-less (preferably, depends on your taste)


Then you will need 2-3 medium sized eggs and a tablespoon of  butter, first melt the butter in the microwave and pour into the bowl with the cracked eggs.


Roll the chicken around the mixture.


In a separate bowl, you can do two things, you can buy breadcrumbs ready-made, or you can make use of the things you have at home.


Get two –four slices of bread and toast them, then once toasted to perfect crunchy-ness, toss them in the blender (not a juicer or liquidiser) and then asses how long you need to leave them in there for, it all depends on how fine you want the crumbs.


Add some salt, pepper, parsley, basil and thyme into the breadcrumbs and blend again to mix them in.


**Tasty Tip- Add chilli flakes, paprika or garlic to kick up the flavour!**


Place the crumb mix into another bowl and roll the chicken pieces around in it to completely coat the chicken.

Place them all on to a baking tray covered in grease proof paper and bake at medium heat for between 30-40 minutes.


Make sure to rotate the chicken every 10-15 minutes to ensure the breadcrumbs are not burned.

Once golden brown you are ready to go!


Serve them on a plate and now for the chips in the snack box!


Get potatoes, give them a rinse and then chop them into chips, as thick or as thin as you like! Leave the skin on, when the skin is baked it gives an amazing crunch! Give them a sprinkle of salt and pepper and bake until golden brown at medium heat.


Serve alongside your chicken and you have a non-guilty take out special on your plate!  Never mind the chipper, you can do it in your own kitchen.












                                                           Love Kirstonified x

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